As promised on my previous post, here are some Italian mushrooms.
I went on holiday to visit my son, Ben, who is farming in Italy. When I arrived at the small town of Borgo val di Taro, near where he lives, there was a mushroom festival going on. The streets were lined with stalls selling mushrooms and other local produce. The man in the picture above is selling mushroom driers, an essential piece of kitchen equipment in the area, so you can keep all those lovely porcini to use through the winter.
I took a present of one of my oven dishes and was pleased to see that it felt very much at home in this lovely old farmhouse kitchen. We took one of those baskets out to the woods near the house and came back with enough porcini for a delicious feast. Iris also found a huge parasol mushroom which she dusted with flour and fried whole.
As you can see, it took up the whole pan!
No wonder that so many of the recipes in my new Pots and Food Calendar include mushrooms after that kind of inspiration.